
2002 – 2022: Armo S.p.A. has been chosen, on behalf of its employees, for 20 years, to celebrate the upcoming holidays with a donation to the Fondazione Piemontese per la Ricerca sul Cancro. A simple but of great value gesture, which encompasses all the meaning of Christmas: the joy of giving to others, faith in a future in which the disease will be increasingly curable, hope for patients and their loved ones.

The giant leaps in research, thanks also to the contribution of researchers from the Candiolo Cancer Institute IRCCS, are guaranteeing increasingly effective and targeted therapies, but the challenge against cancer is still open. Even in complex times like this we must never stop thinking about the future and how to make it better. It is therefore time to support cancer research with greater determination: everyone’s contribution can really make a difference in giving continuity to the work of scientists in identifying increasingly promising treatment strategies.

We are sharing this small gesture, hoping it will inspire many of you.

Armo spa

After so many e-mails, calls and deadlines, the time of year has finally come when we gather around the fire with family and friends.

We thank all our partners for their cooperation in this difficult year, and we sincerely wish you a Merry Christmas full of gifts, affection and tranquility.

Armo team

Si sta concludendo un altro anno di lavoro, che è stato più che mai impegnativo. Cogliamo l’occasione per ringraziare i nostri fornitori, che non ci hanno mai fatto mancare il loro supporto, i clienti che hanno continuato ad accordarci fiducia, i nostri dipendenti che si sono impegnati al massimo e in condizioni non sempre facili. […]

Armo chose IRCC for Christmas contributions

Christmas 2017

Christmas can be a special occasion for actively showing solidarity for those who make generosity the focus of their activities. In this spirit, ARMO S.p.A. has chosen to support the Institute for Research and Treatment of Cancer in Candiolo, making Christmas greetings a symbol of hope.

A small gift, with the best wishes for a Merry Christmas from Armo spa