Entries by Admin

Armo at BIG 5 Riyadh

This February, Armo will be attending The Big 5 exhibition in Riyadh. You can find us from February 24 to 27 at stand 4E31. As always, we are committed to participating in the most important industry events. As always, we are committed to participating the most important industry events. For […]

Celebrating 53 Years!

January marks our company’s anniversary, and this year, we celebrate 53 years of growth, evolution, and success. Looking back on the milestones that have shaped us over more than five decades, we are reminded of the strong values that define us—collaboration and vision. From the beginning, our focus has been on […]

Supporting the IRCC of Candiolo

Every December, as part of our annual tradition, Armo donates to the IRCC of Candiolo—a leading institution in cancer care and research in the region. Renowned for its excellence in oncology, the IRCC of Candiolo integrates clinical practice with scientific research to provide patients with cutting-edge, personalized treatments. Over the years, it has become a […]

BATIMAT 2024 – Visit us!

From the 30th of September to 3rd of October Armo will be in Paris at BATIMAT 2024. Come and visit us to find out what’s new in the world of Armo. Paris Expo, Porte de Versailles – Stand H4-E090F Book your visit by sending an email to info@armoweb.com. We look forward to welcoming you to […]

Buone Vacanze da Armo

Saremo chiusi per ferie dal 10 al 25 Agosto. Nell’ augurare a tutti una Buona Estate , ricordiamo che torneremo pienamente operativi a partire dal giorno 26.